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12 Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum has finished


More than 6,000 people from 35 countries and 54 regions of Russia visited the stages of the Forum. The key issues of KEF-2015 became Russia's cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, the substitution of imported products with domestically produced goods. Among the visitors of the forum are heads of 14 regions of the country, heads of state corporations and representatives of business community.

Totaly within the main business program of KEF were held 45 events: plenary sessions, brainstorms, roundtables. more than 350 people became speakers and moderators of discussion platforms.

36 agreements for sum more than 213 billion rubles were signed at the Forum. They are aimed at the development of industry, telecommunications infrastructure, on the training of qualified personnel to increase the competitiveness of enterprises and the development of other industries.

A large block of signed documents relates to the development of forest industry of the region, agreements were signed between the regional government and large companies. Also agreements for the development of the social sphere were signed at the forum.

KEF became a starting point in the process of making new partnership relations in the framework of the 2019 Universiade preparation. During three days each visitor of KEF could get more information about the 2019 Universiade. The exposition of University Games was presented at the Krasnoyarsk Territory pavilion. 

In the nearest days government of the region will begin to develop new management approaches in accordance with the proposals formed on the forum.
