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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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Eco camp by the mountain lake Azas in Tuva


The State Nature Reserve "Azas" (Todzha kozhuun of Tuva) within the cultural tourism invites to the eco education camp "Alan-Tos", which is located in a picturesque place by the Lake Azas in the buffer zone of the reserve, about 300 km to the north east from the city Kyzyl.

The camp "Alan-Tos" can receive groups from 15 June to 25 August, providing summer uncomfortable cabins (2-4 beds). There are 8 summer cottages, dining, beach, banya.

From the camp there is an ecological route, on request boat trips for the purpose of taking pictures of water lilies on the lake Azas and Tuva beaver near the mouth of the river Azas.
From the camp the road goes 25 km to the lake "Azas", then 7 km on the lake by a motorboat.
Azas Lake is a natural monument. It is located at an altitude of 944 meters. Large lakes bordering the reserve - Mana-Khol and KadishNo - are not less attractive. Their maximum depth is about 100 meters. High transparency of the waters of the lake Mana-Khol attracts by the possibility of underwater video and photo shooting. On the trails of the mountain taiga frequent meetings with bear, deer, roe deer, squirrel, sable and other taiga inhabitants are possible. The highlands are picturesque volcanoes, cirque lakes, mountain rivers, canyons and waterfalls. Landscape of high mountains contrasts with the harshness of mountain tundra and colourful alpine meadows.
The reserve developed special routes to get acquainted with the taiga and alpine ecosystems, with religious rituals at healing springs, with the life of reindeer herders, photographing exotic objects.
The reserve reminds that nature is very vulnerable, revegetation is a slow process. Keep in mind rules:
1. Do not make fires outside specially designated places.
2. Export non-degradable waste.
3. Do not disturb the peace of the birds and animals of the reserve.
4. Protect the environment!
While visiting the reserve the hunting, fishing, gathering mushrooms, berries and medicinal plants is prohibited. Fishing license is only valid on the territory out of the reserve.
Such reserved areas you can visit during our excursional tour "Legends of Todzha Basin and Azas Lake". The next arrival date is 23.07-29.07.2015