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Krasnoyarsk citizens are appealed to choose the best sights of the region


8 sights of Krasnoyarsk region take part in Russian contest ‘Russia’s Marvel 2012’.

Krasnoyarsk citizens are appealed to choose the best sights of the region to take part in Russian contest ‘Russia’s Marvel 2012’. As stated by the press-service of the project, 8 sights of the region are presented for voting – Krugloe lake, rapids Grandfather and Grandmother, Putorana Plateau, the Sayan Mountains, Tungusska nature reserve, Siberian taiga, Taymyr lake and nature reserve ‘Stolby’.

You can vote for the best sights at the official website of the project. Regional Internet-voting, the first round of the project, will finish in a month. At the end of the second round there will be 3 finalists. Nowadays the leaders are nature reserve ‘Stolby’ (2176 votes) and Krugloe lake (1573 votes).