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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
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Monday-Friday 10 am-7 pm
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Slovenia is eager to visit Altai


Opportunities of organization straight tours between Slovenia and Altai region will become much bigger. Questions about tourism cooperation between the region and the republic were discussed by the Deputy of the Governor of Altai region Mikhail Schetin and State Secretary of Minister of Economics of Slovenia Republic William Pshenichny. It is connected with an active work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia about a simplification of official registration and grant a visa for Russian citizens. They also discussed a project of gambling zone “Siberian Coin” in the Altai Region. This negotiations will continue during a tourism exhibition “Inturmarket” on the 12 – 15th of March in Moscow.