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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
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Monday-Friday 10 am-7 pm
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Sun - day off

The date of the Krasnoyarsk Christmas tree opening is set


The ministry of culture has already set the date of the Krasnoyarsk fir-tree opening. According to the head of the Culture department in the city administration, Natalya Malashyuk, the highest fir tree in the country will be opened on the 28 of December, like a year ago.

Traditionally, the fir tree will be surrounded by an ice town. The exposition of ice slides and sculptures will combine two topics – the 385 Krasnoyarsk anniversary and fairy-tales. The ice-sculpture creation work will begin after the mounting of the New Years fir-tree.  Various motives of Alexander Pushkin’s, Alexey Tolstov’s, Paul Bazhov’s and Alexander Volkov’s fairy-tales will be reproduced on different levels of the Theater Square.

In the beginning of the next year an ice gallery under the open sky will be opened on the bank of the river Enisey. It will be created by the participants of the international festival “Magic ice of Siberia”.

The coming year will become special for the city – Krasnoyarsk will celebrate its 385 anniversary and the 165 anniversary since the birth of the great Russian painter, Vasiliy Surikov.  Therefore, this festival will become one of the main New Year events.

The international festival of ice-sculptures will take place on the 13-19 of January within the VII Winter Surikov festival of arts. The exposition will be located on the left bank of the river Enisey near the hotel “Krasnoyarsk”.

Ice and snow sculptures will be created by the competitors from China, USA, Latvia and Kazakhstan, as well as from Russian cities: Moscow, Perm, Ekaterinburg, Blagoveshensk and Krasnoyarsk.

About 75 application have already been submitted, and the competitors will be assessed by the qualified international  committee.

This exposition represents not only snow and ice sculptures, but also the lighting, plenty of colours and treatment of light and shade.