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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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World Champions of bobsleigh


Russian sportsmen Alexander Zubkov and Alexei Voevoda had become the world champions in bobsleigh.  In German town Konigsse they outran the competition hosts on 0.18 seconds.  Russian sportsmen captured the leadership in the first race and kept it after the second. Before the third their advantage over the Swiss - Hefty and Lamparter - was only six hundredths of a second, but Zubkov passed route much better than Hefty. In the fourth race he started the last one, knowing what time he must show, and won historical victory for Russian bobsleigh. Russia had no champions in the Winter Formula-1 till A.Zubkov. Alexander Zubkov several years was going to finish sport career but this season had made an unique hat-trick: the World Cup, European championship and golden
medal in world championship.