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A Brazilian circumnavigator traveller has landed in Krasnoyarsk


A 20-years-old Brazilian pilot, travelling round the world on a single-motor plane, has landed today in Krasnoyarsk airport ‘Yemelyanovo’.

At 12:58 local a single-motor plane RA-46 from Brazil has landed successfully. Its pilot – 20-years-old Walter Toledo, who has been travelling round the world.

The plane departed from Omsk and was going to Yakutia. But it had to land in Krasnoyarsk airport to refuel because of a strong adverse wind. After that the pilot will continue its travel. His main aim is to beat the world record, set by Barrington Irving, a 23-years-old Jamaican.

‘He was 23 years old and he flew round the world on a single-motor plane in 97 days. I am 20, and I’m going to do it in 50 days. I started on the 8th of July and hope that everything will be all right, because half of the way is already behind me, the smaller part lies ahead: through Yakutsk I plan to reach Alaska, and then go back home’, said Walter Toledo.

While waiting for his plane to be refueled, he viewed some sights and confessed that the heat of 30 degrees in Siberia was a real surprise.