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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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A long-awaited festival of cattle breeding Naadym is to start today in Kyzyl


The word ‘Naadym’ is of Mongolian origin (‘Nadom’) and means ‘festival’, ‘contest’, ‘public games’. Naadym always included the national fight ‘khuresh’, archery, horse racing. The same kinds of sport are in the base of the Mongolian Nadom, and more often for these games Mongolians use a term ‘eriyn gurvan Nadom’, which means ‘three games of men’.

Traditional Tuvinian festivals started on the 3-4th of August with ceremonies, but the main events take place on 14-16th of August in the capital of Tuva Republic – Kyzyl.

The program includes different events: master-classes in thick felt, souvenirs painting, theatrical presentations, contests in national fight khuresh among youngsters, festive concert and fireworks and many others.

Naadym is a Tuvinian national festival of cattle breeding, which is held every year in the middle of August. In Tuva it has been held since 1922, when Tuvinian Republic was made.