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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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2-01 office,
117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
Open hours:
Monday-Friday 10 am-7 pm
Sat 11 am - 4 pm
Sun - day off

Exhibitions about Krasnoyarsk city take place in Turkey, Slovakia and Chile


Krasnoyarsk is becoming popular far beyond the Russian Federation, thanks to the project of entering in cooperation with members of International Council of Russian countrymen abroad.

Exhibitions and presentations about Krasnoyarsk took place in Paneuropean university (Bratislava, the Slovak Republic) and in Institute of Russian language and culture studies named after A.I. Solzhenitsin (Izmir, Turkey). In the frame of the exhibitions there was presented a map of Russia, flag of Krasnoyarsk city, photographs, books and CDs with information about Krasnoyarsk, the city’s coat of arms, crafts made of birch-bark with Krasnoyarsk symbols, an anniversary album of International festival of chamber and orchestral music ‘Siberia-Europe. 10 years of inspiration’, catalogue ‘Projects and objects. The best’, other exhibits.

More than 500 people visited the exhibition in Paneuropean university during the first 10 days from its opening. They are mostly young people, university students and teachers. The exposition has attracted interest to the history of the city and its modern life.

The same exposition is open in Izmir. Krasnoyarsk is interesting from the point of business, interuniversity exchange and tourism.

Besides, the exhibition about Krasnoyarsk is to take place from 15th to 20th  of November in Santiago de Chile (Chile) during an international festival. It is organized by Cultural, Scientific and Technical Center of Russian countrymen ‘Nasha Rus’ (Buenos Aires, Argentina). The exposition was already shown in Fray Bentos city (Uruguay) during meetings with Russian teenagers.

Apart from the listed exhibitions, information about Krasnoyarsk can be found on websites of Russian Congress in Argentina, Russian Center of Paneuropean university and Town-council of Krakow city.