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Geographers are setting out in search of Lukomorye


Russian Geographical Society (RGO) informed that in September an expedition of the department of RGO in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is going to set out to explore the territory called Lukomorye which is located  in the south of the Gulf of Ob to carry out the scientific research and work out the plan in attracting tourists. It is stated in the massage that Lukomorye is not only a fabulous and geographical brand. It will also be a tourist brand soon. The territory is located in three districts of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: Shuryshkarsky, Priuralsky and Nadymsky.  In the west it is bounded by the river Ob, in the north – by the Gulf of Ob, in the east – by the river Nadym.

The project “Lukomorye” also includes the scale expedition “The River Poluy”. Two groups of researchers will set out to the river Poluy in the Priuralsky district, where they are going to find the old capital of Lukomorye – fortress city Serponov, which is charted on the maps of the 16th century. The geographers inform that the participators of the expedition are expected to go by kayaks more than 600 kilometres in 40 days. The name “Лукоморье” (Lukomorye) comes from the words море (sea) and лука (meander). The ground of Lukomorye is difficult to access and little-studied, that is why one of the first expeditions to this region is being prepared for to develop the tours.

RGO says that within the framework of the project it is planned to make environmental and regional tourist routes with intermediate bases in Old Russian, Khanty and Nenets styles. RGO was founded on August, 18 in 1845 by the decree of Emperor Nikolay I. At present time Russian National Social Organization “Russian Geographical Society” includes 76 regional departments all over Russia. The headquarters of RGO is located in St.Petersburg. The major regional departments are in Primorye and Moscow. In 2009 the head of the Emergency Situations Ministry Sergey Shoigu was elected as the president of RGO, and the Prime Minister of RF Vladimir Putin was elected as the head of board of trustees.