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Hardcore holidays: Adventure travel for the macho in Tuva


Russian President Vladimir Putin has become almost as equally renowned for his macho outdoor antics as for his policies in recent years, with the world’s media frequently amused by carefully-staged photos of the Russian leader engaged in outdoor pursuits such as horse-riding and fishing. But his stunts were well-chosen: Russia offers a wealth of outdoor activities for those in search of adventure. When it comes to opportunities for wilderness recreation, Russia is unrivaled – its mountains, lakes, thick forest and rivers mean that there are few places better suited to wild camping, skiing, fishing, horse riding

RBTH follows in Putin’s footsteps and looks at some of the options for a hardcore holiday.

Horse riding and swimming in Tuva

Putin was photographed shirtless on horseback in the wilderness near the town of Kyzyl in the remote Tuva Republic in Siberia, generating a whole series of satirical memes. But while you don’t necessarily have to do them topless, horseback tours around Siberia really allow you to interact with this fascinating part of Russia. What's more, this area is famous for its lakes and “arjaans”, which are hot springs closer to the Mongolian border that are a result of fractures in the earth's crust. In the olden days, arjaans were often given to people by shamans. The nutrients and minerals in these springs are considered a form of medicinal treatment. Ush-Beldir is a health resort that specializes in these springs. In the western part of Tuva there are many radon springs. The most popular arjaans are Shevelig, Dostug-Hem, Dorgun and Ulaatie.

Fishing in Siberia

Fishing has a reputation of being a “real man’s sport” in Russia, so it was no surprise when Putin jumped on the bandwagon and tried to take it up a notch: If we are to believe the photographs, he bare-chestedly pulled a massive 21-kg pike-perch out of the waters in the Tuva Republic in Siberia in July 2013. This activity is by no means limited only to Tuva or indeed the summer months. Russians and foreigners alike enjoy fishing (vodka and pickles are optional) all across the vast country come rain or shine, snow or ice. 

Source: "Russia Beyond the Headlines"