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Tuvan culture will be presented in Switzerland


The Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Lausanne Frederik Paulsen is going to promote Tuvan national culture on the international arena. He has announced it during his visit to Tuva Republic.

Frederik Paulsen offers to open unique Tuva to the world community. 05.08.2015 he met the head of Tuva Republic Mr Sholban Kara-ool, during the meeting they discussed issues of promoting the traditions, cultural and spiritual heritage of the country. Honorary Consul noted that Tuva has a very good experience in staging large-scale exhibitions, and he personally intends to assist in the organization of Tuvan events in Switzerland. The parties agreed to a make plan of cooperation.

The richness of the Tuvan culture attracted the attention of Frederick Paulsen during the exhibition of Tuvan art "Tuva in run time" in Moscow, where it was agreed to bring exposition to Europe and the United States.

Frederik Paulsen was in Tuva with a delegation of scientists, researchers, artists, who were getting familiar with the nature, cultural traditions and customs of Tuva, studied fund materials of the National Museum of Tuva Republic.