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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
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Kazan will be the first “New Year Capital” of Russia.


Each year the expert community will choose the “New  Year Capital”, where this holiday will be celebrated in a special way, because every Russian town has its own traditions of celebrating.

In 2012 it will be Kazan city, which authorities first responded to the initiative of the ministry of Russian Tourism. In the city the holiday “Kazan is a New Year`s capital of Russia” will be celebrated according to Tatar Muslim traditions.

All-Russia Maslenitsa will become the next event, which take place in Krasnodar Region. Attracting tourists is the main purpose of these events.

In summer of 2012 Tourism Department started to make national calendar of tourist events, which should unit all events most significant for tourists, planed in different regions of Russia.