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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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The International Festival of the Throat-Singing "Khoomei in the Center of Asia"


The festival of the famous throat singing "Khoomei" will be held in August, 10-14, in Kyzyl, the capital city of Tuva. During the festival the competion of best singers will be held and attended by soloists and ensembles not only from Tuva, which is considered the cradle of unique art, but also by singers from other regions of the Russian Federation (Altai Mountains, Shoria, Buryatia, Khakasia, Yakutia), as well as foreign countries (USA, Finland, France, Italy, Turkey, Japan, China). Totally 167 participants were announced. They will compete in three categories: "solo", "ensemble" and "Khoomei with a modern interpretation". 

"Let this competition will show who is the best, who is better than all others preserved and increased this unique cultural heritage!" - the Head of the Republic Sholban Kara-ool called all countries.
Earlier Tuva throat singing fans gathered under the auspices of etno music Symposium "Khoomei - cultural phenomenon of Central Asian nations". Thanks to it, it became clear that the ancient art is interesting not only to the people of the Russian Asia, but also thousands of connoisseurs from around the world.