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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
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Monday-Friday 10 am-7 pm
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The International Kansk Video Festival awaiting its guests


Siberian Kansk announces starting date of acceptance of applications for participation. Theme of XIV International Kansk Videofestival is Frontier. Territory between dark ages and modern time where timid dawning of civilization stands Barbarian invasions. Freezing point and dip of a curve of historical evolution, the age of cultural-historical unconsciousness, blurred vision of culture and wildfield of experiments.

From 22 to 30 August you can visit the 14th International Kansk Video Festival, which will be part of "Big Kansk festival", which united video forum with new art projects of recent years - an architectural and literary. During the 9 days it will run short and feature films, video art from around the world, it will be built architectural objects, conducted readings of plays and theater performances.
Kansk Video Festival's management received about 3,400 applications from 80 countries - an absolute record for all 13 years of the festival.
The Commission will announce the composition of the film festival competition program this year by July 10. It is already known that it will include no more than 30 films that will qualify for the Grand Prix of the festival "Palme pruner" and diplomas of the international jury.
Admission to all festival sites is free. What's more, itwill be organized a special daily bus going from Krasnoyarsk to Kansk and back. It is expected that over 20 thousands people will visit the festival this year: residents of Krasnoyarsk and the region, guests from Russia and foreign countries.
Since 2002 Kansk held Siberian kinopremery of Sergei Loban, Svetlana Baskova a film about a comedian group "Monty Python", as well as retrospectives of Federico Fellini, Alexey Fedorchenko, some classics of European cinema of the XX century.