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Krasnoyarsk city’s nearest future was shown by German photographers


Photo-exhibition ‘Krasnoyarsk – 2050’ has opened in Krasnoyarsk, as reported by the managers of the project – Krasnoyarsk regional youth social organization ‘INTERRA’ and social association ‘MitOst Hamburg’.

In the frame of  the cooperation between Regional Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy and Fund of Russian-German youth exchange, 13 Krasoyarsk and 17 Hamburg students created together ‘YeniseyECOcity’ project.

In the beginning of August the young people organized an unusual photo session: they stopped people on the Teatralnaya Square and asked them to take part in the photo project – to show how they see the future of Krasnoyarsk in 2050.

They told the participants about the popular in Europe concept ‘a steady development of life space’. It is not discussed in Russia and a lot of Krasnoyarsk citizens do not understand that it is necessary to replenish the planet resources so that in the future Krasnoyarsk looks the same as today. The young people used different things during the photo session – umbrellas, gloves, gas masks, flowers, clothes pegs and others. Every participant, with the help of one item, their gestures and mime, had to show the image of the city-2050.

According to the photo session results, there were ready 70 photos. The young people decided to show everyone twenty of them and placed them in one of the shopping centers. You can have a look at the unusual photos for free till mid-November.