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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
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Russian visa centre to be opened in Belgium


The official opening of a Russian visa centre in Belgium is to take place on the 18th  of October. The visa centre, located in Avenue Alphonse Valkeners 3, 1160, is established in order to increase the quality of Belgium citizens and foreign citizens, who want to receive a visa to the Russian Federation.

The cooperation of the visa centre and consular department of Russian embassy in Belgium serves to shorten the time of waiting of people who file documents to apply for a visa, and to improve the quality of service.

The well-functioning work of the visa centre, modern material and technical resources, ‘one window’ system and the building where the centre is situated, will make the visits comfortable for everyone who come to receive a visa to Russia.

The centre fulfils only technical functions, connected with paperwork: acceptance and checking of documents, help in filling questionnaires, information and consulting support, taking consular fees. Visa issuing is fulfilled only by the consular department of Russian embassy in Belgium. Documents for a Russian visa are accepted by appointment.