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Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre opens a new theatrical season


The season will be opened with an international gala concert.

Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theatre opens its 35th season on September, 20.

The new season will be opened with a gala concert "Maestro invites". The programme of the concert includes all the genres and styles of music, instrumental and vocal compositions. Soloists of the Serbian National Opera and Ballet Theatre (Novi Sad) Bronislav Yartich (bass) and Sasha Shtulich (tenor), and Alexander Koyich, the conductor of the theater, together with the performing artists from Krasnoyarsk will take part in the concert. The original premiere is to be on September, 22 – the mass “African Sanctus”. It is a real gem of the choral repertoire which has received a worldwide recognition. Blurring the boundaries between religions and cultures, the composition includes the Latin Mass, the singing of the muezzin, African melodies and rhythms. The Second National Forum "Ballet XXI century" is to be held in October. This year it is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the famous choreographer and the People's Artist of the USSR Yuri Grigorovich. Two premieres will be held as a part of this grand project. The first performance is Sergei Prokofiev's ballet "The Stone Flower" which is based on Ural tales written by Pavel Bazhov. This renewed famous Soviet ballet will be presented by maestro Yuri Grigorovich. The second performance is the ballet “Electra” to the music by Richard Strauss.

Musical fairy tale “Snow White” by Children Opera Studio is to be staged specially for children. The traditional “Parade of celebrities in the Opera Theatre” is to be held in the second half of the theatrical season. Famous Russian performing artists, as well as singers and conductors from Serbia and Bulgaria are invited to participate in the “parade”. Furthermore, the premiere “Rigoletto” by Giuseppe Verdi is to be held as a part of the “parade” in April.

In February choreographer Snezhana Zdor will present a new modern ballet “Fahrenheit 451”. An updated version of Verdi's “Aida” dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the great composer will finish the theatrical season. The stage director is Alexander Kuranov, a well-known theater director.