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Moscow Metro Anniversary


A special anniversary website was opened to help passengers find their way and not miss events which are interesting for them. The new website has become the starting point of the series of events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the main transport of the capital. The website will be constantly updated with announcements, information about current events, as well as reports about the events which have already been held.

Usual announcements in the Metro will sound in voices of favorite actors, musicians and culture workers on each train on all lines of the Moscow Metro. The project “Voices of the Metro” will continue throughout May. In May each passenger of the Metro will be able to visit the exhibition of historic cars which will be held at “Partizanskaya” station. 

The passengers on “Koltsevaya” line will be able to participate in the parade of trains. During two days, May 15 and 16, nominal trains will run on “Koltsevaya” line, alongside with the trains of “Rusich” type; trains of different types can also be encountered on other lines of the Metro.
