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Novosibirsk offers cheapest prices for accommodation and night activities


Rating TripIndex "Cities of Russia" is calculated on the basis of the total cost (in Russian rubles) for one night stay in a 4 * hotel for two people, two cocktails, two-course dinner with a bottle of wine and a cab rides (2 ways about 3 km each). These amounts are valid during the upcoming summer months (June 24 to August 31, 2013).

According to the rating, accommodation and night stay in Novosibirsk will cost an average of 6.2 thousand rubles for two people. In the second place, Samara, where the night in a hotel and evening entertainment will cost 7.2 thousand rubles. Perm took third place in the ranking with a measure of 8.2 thousand rubles.

More than twice the price of Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg tops the list as the most expensive city with a measure of 13.6 thousand rubles. It is immediately followed by Moscow - 12.4 thousand rubles, followed Kazan - 10,2 thousand rub.

Krasnoyarsk offers the cheapest taxi for 153 rubles. And the most expensive taxi in Moscow, where the round trip will cost 800 rubles.

In Moscow the most expensive cocktails - 1.2 thous. rub, which is almost five times more expensive than in Nizhny Novgorod - in the city of the cheapest cocktails, where two glasses cost only 250 rubles.

The cheapest one-night stay at a hotel in Novosibirsk - 4,1 thousand rubles. While Moscow has the most expensive accommodation for 7.3 thousand rubles.

Lunch at a restaurant in St. Petersburg is much more expensive than in other major cities: lunch of two courses and a bottle of wine for two people costs about four times more expensive than in Novosibirsk (5.7 thous. compared to 1.5 thousand rubles).

Five cab rides in Moscow at a cost equal to a night in a 4 * hotel in Novosibirsk, whereas for the two dinners for two in Nizhny Novgorod tourist will pay as much as for four cocktails in Moscow.

The cost of one night in a hotel in Moscow is approximately equal to the cost of cocktails, lunch, return taxi ride and overnight in a hotel in Novosibirsk and Samara, after which the traveler still has some amount.


Source: TripAdvisor