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Russian visa for Americans become cheaper


Since January 1, 2013 the cost of Russian visa for Americans will be reduced from 180 to 160 U.S. dollars , Ministry for Foreign Affairs informs. Russia expects positive reciprocal actions from the U.S..

Reduction of the consular fee will affect business, private, humanitarian and tourist visas issued in accordance with the agreement between Russia and the U.S. on simplifying visa formalities. Also, Russian Foreign Ministry noted that from January,1 the U.S. State Department will introduce a similar reduction of the consular fee of V1/V2 visa categories for Russian citizens on the basis of reciprocity as well. “We hope that this will be a significant step towards progressive liberalization of bilateral visa regime until its complete abolition,” – the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

The Head of the U.S. Department of Russian Express Andrew Prishchepov reminded that the U.S. made concessions to Russian citizens in September this year. “The consular fee remains $ 160. In the past, as an alternative to a one-year visa tourists were offered a two-year visa with an additional charge of $ 100. From September 4, the U.S. Consulate started to issue multiple visas valid for three years, and surcharge dropped to 20 dollars “, – Andrew Prishchepov said.

Market participants note that 99% of tourists prefer to pay extra for a 3-year visa.

