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The first all inclusive e-guidebook will be launched in Moscow


“By the end of the year Municipality of Moscow will launch a tourist-navigation service, which will be activated by QR codes on historical buildings and monuments. When the QR codes are scanned, users will be taken to the Discover Moscow website or app, which will feature tourist routes highlighting Moscow’s unique sights,” – the Moscow City Government website informs.

The QR codes were put up outside 14 buildings, Moscow’s cultural heritage objects, along Tverskaya street earlier. These QR codes enable to get text, graphic and audio information about these objects with a help of mobile devices. When the QR code is scanned, a mobile device will find a page with information about the object. It is planned to develop a mobile application in the future that will allow Muscovites and tourists to enjoy audio guides.

“The first route will be around the Stary Arbat and Zamoskorechye areas. Besides, the city’s cyberspace will mark those areas commemorating the war of 1812, as the 200th anniversary of the battle is coming up in September. The guide will explore a total of 200 areas, buildings and monuments of cultural heritage. The organizers believe that this new service will be of interest not only to foreign tourists, but also to a wide number of Muscovites”,- the report informs.