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Luggage will no longer get lost in Russian airports


A new labeling system for luggage will be tested in airports next year. Chip marks will be attached to suitcases and travel bags instead of current labels with bar codes.

They will contain information on flight number, airline, destination airport, owner’s data and baggage weight. The reader element of the belt conveyor will immediately inform you if, for example, your suitcase is mistakenly loaded on the wrong flight. Also the developers promise that innovation can reduce operating costs, increase speed and quality of the baggage sorting system and, hence, increase labor productivity and even make airfares a little cheaper.

“I’ve heard about such technologies, they are already widely used in the world. This is the most advanced technology for baggage handling, and it is valuable not only for a departure airport, most of all it is necessary for transit hubs,” – Roman Gusarov, chief editor of the AVIA.RU site said in an interview with Vesti FM radio station.