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Top 10 best places in Russia for freeriding


Freeriding is snowboarding or skiing off-piste. In Russia the greatest popularity received cat skiing: it  is when snowboarders (or skiers) are delivered to the top of the mountain by snowcat with a cabin of up to ten passengers.

Analytical Agency TurStat revealed the most popular Russian resorts for freeriding in the new year holidays and the winter season of 2017.

The rankings are based on popularity and feedback among tourists in the winter season, as well as the quality of the snow cover.

According to the Agency TurStat over the past five years, the number of off-piste skiers in Russia has grown tenfold to 500 thousand people.

According to TurStat, freeride is the fastest growing winter sport, kind of tourism and recreation in Russia.

The main criteria of a successful freeriding is the ability to skate well (hold the freestyle and jumping from the mountains), the orientation on the mountain and terrain, as well as responding to emergency situations, for example, avalanches or falling deep in the snow during the descent. When freeride snow depth can reach 2 to 5 meters.

10 best places for freeride in Russia:

1. Mamai (Lake Baikal, Buryatia)

2. Priiskovy (Khakassia)

3. Adzhigardak (Chelyabinsk region)

4. Sheregesh (Kemerovo region)

5. Mt Elbrus Region (Cheget, Kabardino-Balkaria)

6. Krasnaya Polyana (Sochi)

7. Dombay (Karachay-Cherkess Republic)

8. Khibiny mountains (Kirovsk,  Murmansk Region, Kola Peninsula)

9. Medvezhiy (Gorny, Khabarovsk Territory)

10. Kamchatka