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Tuva celebrates the 80. anniversary of Dalai Lama


July 6 Tuva Rebublic in honor of the birthday of the Dalai Lama XIV is holding Buddhist prayers and competitions in fighting "khuresh" with famous wrestlers. July 6 Buddhists celebrate the 80th anniversary of their spiritual leader Dalai Lama XIV Tenzin Gyatso, who was born in 1935.

On this day in Tuva, as in other Buddhist regions of Russia, will be held prayers for the longevity of His Holiness and his health. The venue of the celebrations in Kyzyl become sculptural complex "Geographical Center of Asia" on the banks of the Yenisei river. At 5 pm will be held the rite of "Tui mandalas" - "mandala offering to His Holiness the Dalai Lama for the Doctrine and petition, that he did not go into Nirvana and remained with the believers for the edification of the Dharma." The celebration will continue with prayers and reading sutras.

Later, in honor of the Buddhist spiritual leader there will be a concert of art masters of the country. At the end ceremonial scarfs khatas will be offered to His Holiness as a sign of respect and with aim tp receive blessings. 
Then - in August - during further celebrations of the anniversary in the Upper Chadan Buddhist temple Ustuu-Khuree it will be organized the consecration of 1000 Buddha statues.