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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
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Krasnoyarsk city prepares for the big celebration of Sabantuy


Sabantuy is

a Bashkir and Tatar summer festival, that dates back to the Volga Bulgarian epoch. At first Sabantuy was a festival of farmers in rural areas, but it later became a national holiday and now is widely celebrated in the cities all over Russia. It is included in the UNESCO program as a folk-cultural world heritage.

The main distinctive elements of Sabantuy include the traditional sporting competitions such as köräş (Tatar wrestling), horse racing, race-in-sack, pillar-climbing, egg-in-spoon-in-mouth-racing, sacks-battle on the crossbar, pot smashing, finding a coin in a qatıq (a beverage made from sour milk), and other contests. Qarğa botqası (Rook's porridge), a ritual porridge, was cooked before the Sabantuy to treat children in the village. Another tradition was praying at the cemetery.

In the last few years the Russian government arranged federal Sabantuy in Moscow. Many cities in Europe and Asia that have major Tatar diasporas, such as Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Tallinn, Prague, Istanbul, Kiev and Tashkent, also hold Sabantuylar.

Krasnoyarsk received a right to organize Sabantuy in 2015.

Dates: July, 18-19 

Location: Krasnoyarsk, the Hippodrome "Mustang" (village Emelyanovo) and "Tatyshev Park" in Krasnoyarsk. It is expected to welcome nearly a thousand participants from nearly 30 Russian regions.

During the holiday there will be organized sporting events, concerts, master classes and national farmstead, traditional crafts of many nationalities will be represented.
