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Visa-free Vladivostok


The law on the free port of Vladivostok (porto franco) came into force on the 12th October, 2015.

Firstly, for foreign tourists it means visa-free entry to Vladivostok for 8 days! Tourists can get free visa on the border upon arrival. But visitors who enter Russia from Vladivostok will not be allowed to leave the territorial limits of the zone.

The low provides a package of administrative and tax benefits for free port's residents. Free port mode acts on the territory of 15 municipalities of Primorye region (Vladivostok and its surroundings - about 15 ports in nearest cities).

Creation of the Free Port of Vladivostok will be the most ambitious project to stimulate the economic development of the Russian Far East and the successful integration of Russia into the international economic relations system of the Asia-Pacific region. In December 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time offered to grand the capital of Primorye the status of a free port with easy customs regime.

The project is aimed at enhancing cross-border trade, the development of transport infrastructure and the inclusion of the Primorsky Territory in the global transport routes. The move makes the region more attractive to foreign investment, especially from China, Japan and South Korea.

Four zones are included in the new regime: a port and airport zone, an industrial zone, a scientific-promotional zone, and a tourist-recreational zone. An aim is to see Vladivostok compete more effectively with the likes of Macau - a long established free port - and Busan in South Korea. A gambling zone is also due to open soon in the region.

Vladivostok previously had the status of porto franco between 1861 and 1909.

As a result, in the early of 20th century, just think, Vladivostok was the largest port in the world in terms of cargo turnover! The city's economy grew rapidly, for example, from 1883 to 1899 cargo turnover of Vladivostok increased from 47.8 thousands tons to 333.3 thous. tons. Foreigners rushed into the city: thanks to them Vladivostok became the first in the world modern shopping center. This is the current Vladivostok GUM. As written by historians of those days in Vladivostok "every American thing is three times cheaper than in America". It has grown not only the port's capacity, but agriculture and other sectors of the economy. In fact, a free port turned from an ordinary military post to the city of Vladivostok.
And so history repeats again: the free port of Vladivostok is back!

From 1958 to 1991, Vladivostok was a closed city, part of the so-called border zone. Visit could be possible only with a special permit, and this applies not only to foreigners, but also to non-resident population from other Russian cities.