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Yakutia is to start flights from Dresden to Moscow


In the near future “Yakutia” airlines is to start regular flights on the route Dresden-Moscow-Dresden.  Federal Air Transport Agency confirms that at present time “Aeroflot” is the only carrier on this route. RF Ministry of Transportation reports that the negotiations with the European countries on the liberalization of intergovernmental agreements in the area of civil air-craft will be held in 2012. The question is about the increasing number of set carriers, cities and flight frequency. Since the Soviet times “Aeroflot” has been the set carrier on the majority of the routes. The former Minister of Transport Igor Levitin said that the Ministry wants at least two set carriers on every international route, because it is necessary to make ticket prices lower.

RF Ministry of Transport has decided to take control functions from the Federal Air Transport Agency and created a commission which includes the representatives of the Ministry of Transport, Federal Air Transport Agency, Administration of State Aviation Supervision and Transport Security, Federal Anti-Monopoly Service, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Sport and Federal Tourism Agency to settle a dispute which appears while setting the carriers for the international routes.