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Archaeologists found an ancient sanctuary in Tuva, which is about 5000 years old


Archaeological and geographical expedition "Kyzyl - Kuragino" is held every summer since 2011 in Tuva and Krasnoyarsk Krai.

Excavation of the sanctuary is an important discovery. It is the first such object on the territory of Tuva. It shows a well-developed system of religious beliefs of the land inhabitants in the second half of the III millennium BC. The finds speak about polytheism. Now the task is to find nearby settlement of this period, traces of people who used this sanctuary.

The place of religious rites is a rectangular pit, the bottom of which is lined with flat stones, bead decorated with vertical slabs of sandstone, and the external circuit layout frames of flat stones. The sacrificial pit is filled with a layer of ash, bones of sheep and goats, which burned here.

In Krasnoyarsk territory research place takes more than 4 thousand square meters. Scientists compare it with pie because it is multilayered. Half-dugouts home with wooden roofs, household pits, household items and other materials were found this year.

The researchers believe that the findings of the expedition members "Kyzyl - Kuragino" 2015 will enrich the national science facts about the past in Central Asia, where cultures and civilizations originated and perished, that influenced the course of human history.

The purpose of archaeological and geographical expedition "Kyzyl - Kuragino" is the preservation of cultural and historical heritage in the area of construction of 400-kilometer railway line that will connect Tuva with the Krasnoyarsk Territory. During the excavation scientists and volunteers  found thousands of unique archaeological finds.