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Russian female skydivers set world record


Russian female skydivers, including Krasnoyarsk ones, of the Zhemchuzhina Rossii team have set a world record for eighty-eight people linked together in a single flying arrangement.

The Zhemchuzhina Rossii team made a grandiose flower of white, blue and red colors (Russian national flag) and managed to keep the figure still and balanced till the landing.

The record was preceded by months of constant trainings and a week of immediate attempts for the joint jump. On Sunday, it took the female skydivers four attempts of making the right figure in the right time, outside the town of Kolomna near Moscow. The result was fixed by four air videocameras.

"With this result they beat last year's record of the German parachutists who had managed to form a figure of 84 people," the Sports Ministry said in its official congratulatory statement.

The team is planning to break the record with a figure of 100 people next summer.