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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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2-01 office,
117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
Open hours:
Monday-Friday 10 am-7 pm
Sat 11 am - 4 pm
Sun - day off

Regional ethnic and cultural festival ‘Children of a single river’ is ready to begin


On 27th of July the participants of ethnic festival ‘Children of a single river’ come to Taymyr. This year VI Regional ethnic and cultural festival ‘Children of a single river’ begins on the 24th of July in Krasnoyarsk and finishes on the 2nd of August.

The participants are Krasnoyarsk actors, artists, journalists, photographers, culture workers, and also writers from Moscow and France and artists from Germany and Austria.

The programme of the festival includes: open-air concerts with leading creative teams and singers of Krasnoyarsk region. They will perform popular music compositions in Russian, French and German. Every day Krasnoyarsk, Austrian and German artists will carry master-classes in art and ceramics. There will also take place literature meetings with French and Russian writers, presentation of German artists’ works and photo exhibition of a Krasnoyarsk photo-artist, called ‘Such a various Siberia’.