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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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117 Uritskogo Str.
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The «Bigfoot» residence will open in Kemerovo Region


In the next three years the whole village, developed to yeti (“bigfoot”) will appear in the Sheregesh ski Resort in Kemerovo Region.

Within the project, one of hotel complexes of this resort will build several houses for tourists (60 hotel rooms), restaurants, medical center, entertainment complex for children (Yeti-park) and residence of the owner of taiga. The “alive yeti” will live and receive guests in this residence.

Before get to the residence and see yeti all guests should go through an entertainment complex: overcome the “Shaman path” and visit a many-storied plague.  Here they will be met by fantastic characters, also all guests can try their forces in folk art in different workshops.  A museum will be also built in “Yeti-park”.

In October 2011 an Universal Conference about hyminology took place in Tashtagol, where took part scientists from USA, Canada, Mongolia, Sweden, Estonia and China. Then they came to the conclusion, that according to the artifacts, collected during the conference 95 % testify of habitation of the Yeti in Mountain Shoria Region