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Touristic news from Moscow


Instead of giant advertizing letters, dismantled from Russia Government`s Library (RGL) in Moscow, the first observation desk for tourists in the capital center can take place, the “Izvestiya” newspaper writes.

The roof of RBG was included into the list of 11 main observation places. The Federal Security service is not against, that tourists could rise on the library`s roof.

New observation desks could also be built on the Triumphal Arch, on “Moscow” and “Balchug” hotels, on the Central telegraph in the Tverskaya street, on the “Voentorg” department store, on Tretyakov gallery, on the Old Gostiny dvor and on the Kitay-gorod wall, near Theatre Square.

On the main observation desk in Moscow – Vorobyevi gory- in February 2013 the five panoramic field-glasses will be built. Also Moscow government plans to organize observation desks along the Moscow River.

Today Vorobievi gori are the only one observation place in Moscow. Other platforms in the city are charged.

Rise on the Ostankino television tower you can only with excursion (cost 650-850 rub. (16- 21 euro) for one person, depending on a day of the week). Lifting  on the roof of “Moscow City” skyscraper costs 900 rub (23 euro).