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Turkish TV-channel is to make a documentary about Tuva


Turkish TV-channel NTV is going to make a documentary about Tuva. The Head of the Consular Department of the Russian Embassy in Turkey Elena Kara-Sal has provided this information at the meeting with the Chairman of the Government of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool.

She said that the executive group of the channel appealed to the Russian Embassy with the request to provide help in connection establishment with Tuva. TV workers are interested in the history, culture of the region, Tuvinian throat singing and the most famous singer Congar-ool Ondar. They also want to talk about the masters who produce Tuvinian national instruments and about national huresh wrestling, to visit and shoot holy places, which are included in the tourist routes. They are also interested in the ancient Turkic monuments.

The arrival of the shooting team is planned for September, 2012.