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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
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XI International Kansk video-festival is about to start in Kansk


‘On foot to Siberia: veni, vedi, vici’ – this is the motto of the traditional Kansk video-festival in 2012. The cultural event is going to present a lot of surprises, a programme full of events and meeting with representatives of world film industry.

The festival opens on 17th of August in Kansk. It will last 9 days.

The festival consists 2 parts this year: one of the parts is about experiments and video-art, the other one will present the best ‘main stream’ in short films.Both programmes will be held at the same time. A professional jury of film critics, artists, directors and producers from Germany, France, Spain and Russia will judge the films. As for the audience – they will watch and evaluate the films.

The films for the video-festival were chosen from 1460 requests, which had been sent from all over the world. On the whole, 55 films take part in the festival, 5 of them are made by young Russians. All the directors were invited to Kansk to present their films. Participants from the USA, Australia, Austria, France, Germany and Greece have already accepted the invitation. The films will be shown from 18th to 24th of August.