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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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"Yakutia Days" in Moscow


An event named "Yakutia Days" will take place in Moscow to familiarize citizens and tourists with the Russian northern region's traditions and culture. A special fair of jewelry and handicraft industry will also be held within the framework of the festival.

The festival is to take place in the Gostinny Dvor in Moscow, on November 20-25. The exhibition is expected to consist of several sections. "Investment. Infrastructure. Industry" will tell about transport systems and mineral deposits in the region. Another section will be dedicated to Yakutia's treasures  - applied arts of the Yakutia's National Arts Museum and exhibits from the State Valuables Depository.

A Yakut traditional house - "urasa" - will be placed in the middle of the exposition, decorated in national style. Another wonderful exhibit is a stuffed mammoth with a natural tusks and fur grown on the original skeleton.